April 17 :: Adding text!
C: Voice Level 2 (only the people next to you can hear you and no shouting across the room)
H: Ask your team, elbow partner or raise hand
A: Work on the assignment
M: Stay in your assigned seat
P: Work till assignment is completed
S: Finishing your work
Where does your backpack go?
Where does your cellphone go?
Typing.com ASSIGNMENT!
Advanced: Wrap-up :: Due Friday, April 19 :: 20 Points
NOTE: this assignment on average is approx. 1 hour!
Log in to typing.com
Click Lessons
On Advanced Tab, Click Advanced Wrap-up
Due Friday, April 19
20 Pts.
If you are finished or waiting, work on Clever!
Students click on the Clever icon on the desktop
Sign in using the username & password (same as logging into computer)
Click on the square that says iReady
Continue until time is up!
Lessons have been assigned to them based on their diagnostic test results both in Math and Reading. Within each lesson are brain break games. The district is pushing a goal of 45 minutes per week on Online Lessons in ELA and 45 minutes per week in Math to close the gaps found in the diagnostic. Math and ELA are providing some of that time during the week, but not all.
Get to know Premier Rush!
What is Premier Rush?
WHAT ARE WE LEARNING: Adobe Premier Rush
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT: Premiere Rush is the video editing app for newcomers and casual users. With a simple and intuitive set of video editing tools, this all-in-one app makes it easy to learn the ropes and get started editing a video project right away.
HOW WILL MY TEACHER KNOW WHAT I LEARNED: You will practice different tools and techniques and gradually show your success!
Adding Text to our Tour
Videos tend to have text in one way or anther. Typically in the intro and/or ending! Let's look at the features in Adobe Premiere Rush!
Premiere Rush
Open Premiere Rush
Open your TOUR project we began yesterday!
Double click the file!
Let's move a media file to the beginning
Select the file where the man says "Good Morning..."
Drag it to the left so it is the BEGINNING of our video!
Let's add a title sequence...
On the top right, Click the GRAPHICS/TEXT (T) icon
Here there are many title or graphics to choose from that we can customize to our video!
Let's add a title sequence...
On the top right, Click the GRAPHICS/TEXT (T) icon
Here there are many title or graphics to choose from that we can customize to our video!
Click +Add Graphic
Start simple...
Click Titles...More>
Select one and click ADD
On the right we can adjust the assets (like font, color etc!)
To change the actual text, simply type where you see the text on the main frame!
Adjusting the title...
You can lengthen or shorten the appearance of the title by dragging the size of the box left or right.
You can also move the title box to a different sequence in the video!
On the right we can adjust the assets (like font, color etc!)
To change the actual text, simply type where you see the text on the main frame!
Add the text where the woman talks in the video!
Using the same process, add the text as she says it and align it with the moments she speaks!
Guess what we're going to go do again?
Please make sure past assignments were completed and added to TEAMS!
Not sure? Check Atlas!!!