May 3 :: Turn Row Your Boat into a video!


C: Voice Level 2 (only the people next to you can hear you and no shouting across the room)

H: Ask your team, elbow partner or raise hand

A: Work on the assignment

M: Stay in your assigned seat

P: Work till assignment is completed

S: Finishing your work ASSIGNMENT!

Reinforcement: Nitro Type Lessons

Due Friday, May 3 :: 10 Points


If you are finished or waiting, work on Clever!

Students click on the Clever icon on the desktop 

Sign in using the username & password (same as logging into computer)

Click on the square that says iReady 

Continue until time is up!

Lessons have been assigned to them based on their diagnostic test results both in Math and Reading. Within each lesson are brain break games. The district is pushing a goal of 45 minutes per week on Online Lessons in ELA and 45 minutes per week in Math to close the gaps found in the diagnostic. Math and ELA are providing some of that time during the week, but not all. 

Get to know Premier Rush!

What is Premier Rush?

WHAT ARE WE LEARNING: Adobe Premier Rush

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT: Premiere Rush is the video editing app for newcomers and casual users. With a simple and intuitive set of video editing tools, this all-in-one app makes it easy to learn the ropes and get started editing a video project right away.  ​

HOW WILL MY TEACHER KNOW WHAT I LEARNED:  You will practice different tools and techniques and gradually show your success!

Continuing our project in RUSH!

Premiere Rush

Use this!

'MP3' is the abbreviation for 'MPEG Audio Layer III' ('MPEG' stands for 'Motion Pictures Expert Group'). It's a compressed digital audio file. 

If you haven't done so... grab this MP3 file first!

Click the MP3 on the left and download the file!

File should be named Row your Boat Fixed.mp3!

When to the ROW BOAT folder (inside the RUSH Files Folder on your desktop!)

Hint: Desktop>RUSH Files>ROW BOAT

We'll go import this file soon!

Open Premiere Rush

To start a new project, simply click on the blue “Create a New Project” button

Or select FILE>New Project

On the left...


Open the ROW BOAT Folder

Select ONE (1) of the STREAM files!

Only click ONE!

Name the Project...

On the bottom left name your project: 

First name Last Name BOAT

Make sure the button "Sync with Creative Cloud" is checked!

Click Create

Row your Boat Lyrics

(You will need these later)

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Row, row, row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Add the sound...

Look for the MP3 file "Row your Boat Fixed.mp3"

This should be in your ROW BOAT FOLDER (on your desktop)!

Click ADD

Add a title to the beginning of the video

On the top right, Click the GRAPHICS/TEXT (T) icon

Click +Add Graphic

Click Titles...More>  Select one and click ADD

On the right we can adjust the assets (like font, color etc!)

To change the actual text, simply type where you see the text on the main frame!

Title it "Row, Row, Row Your Boat!"

The title should last as long as the intro to the song (before they begin singing!)...So you will need to move it to the front and shorten it!

Add images and edit the length to match the sound! Remember to resize the image on the screen and shorten or lengthen the clip to match the sound!

Click the + on the top left


Go to your ROWBOAT folder 

Add another photo based on the song!

To adjust the image to match the lyrics...

Click on each image

When highlighted YELLOW, pull the right side to shorten or lengthen the image!

Tip: Hover over the right end of the selected image and wait to see a bracket with an arrow! Pull it to the left to shorten!!

Listen to the song and match the image to the lyric

Example: Verse 1:

"Row, row, row your boat"

Row = Boat you will have 3 Boat Images.

"Gently down the stream"

Then Stream = Stream you will have 1 stream Image

"Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily"

Then Merrily = Merrily you will then have 4 Merrily Images

"Life is but a dream"

Then Dream = Dream you will have 1 Dream image!

You should have...


VERSE 1:  1 stream • 3 Boats • 1 Stream • 4 Merrily • 1 Dream

VERSE 2:  3 Boats • 1 Stream • 4 Merrily • 1 Dream

VERSE 3: 3 Boats • 1 Stream • 4 Merrily • 1 Dream

VERSE 4: 3 Boats • 1 Stream • 4 Merrily • 1 Dream

Now continue adding images to the video to match the song. Tip: the song repeats 4 times!

Now, based on what you learned...add subtitles to the video using the lyrics (see above) and add transitions between each clip!

Exporting the final file!

After you have completed the 4 sets of the song and the photos match up to the lyrics...


File Name: 

First Last BOAT

You MUST NAME the file you are sharing!

Save to: 

Click the 

C:\User line

Select the ROWBOAT folder on your desktop!

Click Select Folder


Resolution: 720p HD

Frame Rate: Automatic (30)

Audio Channels: Stereo

Quality: Medium


Wait for file to Render!

Click DONE


Do NOT close RUSH until your work is verified!!!

First Last Rowboat2.mp4



Select DESKTOP (on the left) then the Rowboat Folder

Find the exported file and select it (it should be called First Name Last Name Boat.mp4)

Click OPEN

NOTE: There MUST be a file attached to get credit. Simply clicking TURN IN will not do!!!

40 Points possible! 4 sections of the song complete!!

Please make sure past assignments were completed!

Not sure? Check Atlas!!!

To save computer memory for other students using the computers....


Click the X on the top right corner of Rush!